Sheryl - Age 5
Artist Statement
As a child, I had a “make-it” box, a “tickle trunk” and buckets of riverbank clay to play with. I danced in my backyard and made up songs on the walk to school. I was immersed in the imaginative world.
As I became a young adult I branched out into the wonders and potentials of the hardware store and found objects there. Perplexed store clerks would do their best to help me find the paraphernalia that I wished to use for new, strange purposes. My imagination disregards what stuff “should” be used for. Today I work primarily in acrylic paint and glass mosaic with the occasional incorporation of found metal objects. My “Make-It Box” has become much larger.
I find myself deeply moved by the hurts and desolations of this world and its people. I feel a gut reaction, a shrinking and sickening sorrow and anger. Compassion and connection are fundamental to the continuance of our survival, the survival of all life here on Earth. We are all connected; I feel that. In the past few years, I have been expressing those strong, darker emotions through my mosaics and paintings.
Being an artist is a full body, full living experience. I am opened to feel. I am compelled to create.

Sheryl - Age 12

CATAPULT Arts Accelerator - ArtsLinkNB / 2020
ORSONI Workshop - Venice, Italy / 2019
DESIGN, DRAWING, PAINTING - Herzl Kashetsky / 2011
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION - Mount Allison University / 1990
BACHELOR OF MUSIC - Mount Allison University / 1985-1989
CraftNB - Board Member / 2021 – 2023
CraftNB - Juried Member / 2017 – Continuing...
ArtsLinkNB - Professional Member / 2010 – Continuing...
CARFAC - Member / 2010 – Continuing...
Mosacic Artists of Canada - Member / 2023
Society of Canadian Artsts - Member / 2022 – Continuing...
Grants & Residencies
Olive Stack Gallery Residency - Listowel, Ireland / 2024
Artists in Schools - New Brunswick / 2019-2023
ArtsNB Career Development Grant - Venice, Italy / 2019
CraftNB Beneath the Surface - Fundy National Park / 2019
Artists in Schools - New Brunswick / 2007-2012
Estey After School Elementary Art Program - New Brunswick / 2022
Honeybee Folk School Adult Mosaic Workshops - New Brunswick / 2010
Children's Art Workshops - New Brunswick / 2010
Saint John Early Learning Centre Art Exploration / 2010-2013