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Events & News

My mosaic "UP-ROOTED" Included in the National Juried Canadian Annual Mosaic

Exhibition - Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta during September-October 2021.

I was able to travel to the opening. I am so honoured to be among many of the

most accomplished mosaicists in Canada.



Two New "Artist In The Classroom" grants for 2020-21! I will be working and exploring art with students in Bayside Middle School and Princess Elizabeth Elementary School, both in Saint John, NB this school year. Excited to get started. One project involves re-interpreting known artworks with a modern twist, and the 2nd will be the creation of a mosaic mural exploring student's experiences of the Covid Pandemic. These School Residency Grants are through the Government of NB.



ConnexionARC Members Exhibit August 2021 - Fredericton, NB. I will have a collection

of paintings, mosaics and mixed media works showing at the Charlotte St. Arts Centre



"Isolated-Together" Exhibit July 2021 at Andrew and Laura McCain Gallery, in

Florenceville, NB. This is an aspect of a project involving multiple provincial cultural organizations and artists working together to capture the experiences of living during

the Covid Pandemic through using dance, music, mask making, story and film.

My mask - "Medusa of the Pandemic" was one of the masks used in a dance piece

by Ballet Atlantic and was also in this exhibit. 



School Residency at Ecole des Pionniers in Quispamsis, NB Spring 2021. We are

making a mosaic with all of the elementary students using a multitude of coloured

bottle tops that they have collected over several years. What a fun project! Thank you

to multiple grant sources for the ability to do this project


​ now has a SHOP! HERE ...Please enjoy looking through the pieces available for sale and payment can be done through the shop online now!!  Soooo exciting.



You may now find some of my work for sale through CraftNB  online platform:  



"SPOTLIGHT on Women Artists" - I am proud to be included in a celebration for International Women's Day in March 2021. The Saint John Arts Centre, PRUDE Inc., the Saint John Community Loan Fund and the Lorenzo Society together have invited a number of women artists to share their ideas and work under this years them "Choose To Challenge" You may read our profiles   HERE on the SJAC website. Thank you so much for this recognition of my work.



Handworks Gallery - "Masterworks" exhibit October 2020 Saint John, NB. I have two

new mosaics in this group exhibit. The 2 pieces explore how our thinking and

actions have been altered during the Covid Pandemic. 



Sunbury Shores Member's Show - October 2020 at Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre, St. Andrews, NB. Here I will be showing a variety of mosaic and painted works.



CATAPULT Business Accelerator For Artists - ArtsLinkNB -March-May 2020 - An 8 week intensive course moved online because of Covid Pandemic lockdown unfortunately. This was a whirlwind of speakers and activities to help artists beef up their business chops. Thank you to ArtsLinkNB for choosing me to be a part of this program. Whew! As a final project each artist presented an artist talk about themselves, there career and why they make art. You may see this on my YouTube channel HERE.



The BECOMING - Through 2020 and into 2021 I have been taking online courses with artist and coach, Jessica Serran. The courses have dealt with concrete artist business knowledge - how to have an exhibit, how to set up the money side, how to make all the types of promo docs you need but the gem of all of these courses was her coaching on what is happening in an artist's head - fears, dreams, overwhelm, passions. This has been hard but so worthwhile. Find her on FB HERE at "Empowered Artists Creating Everything They Desire"



Two new Artist Residencies are happening for the 2019-20 school year! I will be in schools through grants from the Government of New Brunswick "Artist In Residency" and "Art Smart" programs. I am working with students in Belleisle Regional High School this Fall 2019 on a glass on glass mosaic illustrating support for our LGBTQ2 community there and at Millidgeville North Middle School in Saint John in Jan. 2020 to help plan and create a large ceramic tile mosaic celebrating cultural diversity in that community. Let the fun begin!


Beneath The Surface" CraftNB Group Exhibit , travelling exhibit 2020- George Fry Gallery - Fredericton NB, Marie Helene Allain Gallery - Bouctouche NB and Saint John Arts Centre - Saint John NB. Browse the Exhibit Portfolio here.



Fundy Artist Residency June 2019 through CraftNB at Fundy National Park. 21 artists chosen to spend 5 days together in yurts and otentiks exploring the Park with Park Interpreters and Indigenous elders. The experiences will then fuel new works for "Beneath The Surface" exhibit later this year.



"Artist In Residency" grant awarded- "A Community Of Caring" 2019 mural project with primary age children at Hazen-White Elementary School. What a joy! See our fun HERE. This School Residency Grant is through Government of NB.


Venice trip - Orsoni Master of Mosaic Workshop  October 2019- see images and video from my trip. Thanks to ArtsNB for the course funding!


2019 Fractured Art Mosaics now represented by Handworks Fine Art and Craft Gallery, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada- see my current MOSAIC pieces.


Imperial Theatre Donor Wall  September 2019 unveiled in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. See the process and finished installation HERE.



Netherwood Fine Art Sale - May 11-12, 2018



"WHAT'S IN THE BOX?" Fundraiser for the Saint John Arts Centre - April 19th, 2018



Cathedral Fine Art Show - Oct.27-29, 2017


"WHAT'S IN THE BOX?" Fundraiser for the Saint John Arts Centre - April 20th, 2017



ARTrageous time again at Kingsbrae Gardens in St. Andrews June 8th & 9th 2016


I will be down there this Thursday and Friday holding mini sand mandala art workshops with school children from all over Charlotte County as part of the Festival. Come down Saturday for free admission to the Gardens, lots of flowers, music and fun! Details of Saturday on my facebook



"WHAT'S IN THE BOX?" Fundraiser for the Saint John Arts Centre - April 21st, 2016




We are back in the beautiful gardens around Hampton again this year to make art and stop and smell the roses. Come join us to tour private gardens, watch art being made and to take home a painting! See the event on FB - Hampton John Peters Humphrey Foundation 


ARTrageous FESTIVAL JUNE 11TH-13TH 2015

COME TO THE KINGSBRAE GARDENS in ST. ANDREWS-BY-THE-SEA Link to the full festival schedule 
Poster for the Saturday the 13th - the Gardens are open to the public with free admission and lots going on...come enjoy!" 


The construction of the new YMCA in Saint John has begun and will display in it's atrium an 8ft. x 16 ft. mosaic mural by Sheryl Crowley of Fractured Art Mosaics. The mural will be a permanent piece thanking donors for their support of the Y. The mosaic will be constructed of stained glass on four 4' x 8' free standing glass panel walls. The piece will be installed in time for the Grand Opening planned for early Autumn 2015. The design celebrates the nurturing of relationships so central to the philosophy of the YMCA. Figures are arranged along waves of water symbolizing both the Bay of Fundy and the River of Saint John as well as the empathy and respect that binds the work of the Y together. Stay tuned for updates!

"WHAT'S IN THE BOX?" Fundraiser for the Saint John Arts Centre - MAY 1ST 2015,  7-9 PM

Live jazz, yummy nibblies, libations, a beautiful setting and a chance to come home with your very own 6" x 6" piece of art donated by one of us artist types! Find out more atSaint John Arts Centre 

BLOOMIN' ARTISTS 2013 in HAMPTON NB July 20 & 21

Start at the Lighthouse River Centre, 1075 MAIN STREET, HAMPTON, NB and take a look at the giant map showing the gardens and artists whereabouts. Then spend the day visiting and bidding!!!

On FRACTURED ART MOSAICS on FACEBOOK check out what has been happening...

On the weekend of July 20th and 21th, the Town of Hampton, its gardens and its river environment, will become the inspiration for more than 30 visiting artists, as they draw and paint a series of small works inspired by the beauty of their surroundings as part of the “Bloomin’ Artists” fundraising event of the Hampton John Peters Humphrey Foundation, in partnership with the Town of Hampton, Communities in Bloom, and HALL.

A silent auction for the small works created will be held throughout the weekend at the Lighthouse River Centre in Hampton. Also for auction this year will be small Shaker-like wooden benches that artists will decorate. There will be creative activities for children and the public is invited to visit artists as they work.

Proceeds from Bloomin’ Artists will go towards the continuing works of the Hampton John Peters Humphrey Foundation, a charitable organization committed to providing an ongoing tribute to John Peters Humphrey by educating individuals of all ages about his life and accomplishments; and to educating people about human rights. 

All auctions will be held in the Lighthouse River Centre, 1075 MAIN STREET, HAMPTON, NB


11:30 am Viewing Begins

2:00 pm Bidding Ends ~ ”Yellow Auction”

4:30 pm Bidding Ends ~ “Green Auction”

SUNDAY, JULY 21, 2013

11:30 am Viewing Begins

2:00 pm Bidding Ends ~ “Blue Auction”

4:30 pm Bidding Ends ~ “Red Auction”

Followed by Wine & Cheese and The Bloomin’ Raffle draw.

Kids in Bloom event takes place on the Lighthouse River Centre lawn from 11 am until 3pm on Saturday and Sunday. 




fine art and craft at Hooper Studios in Hampton, NB-July 6 & 7, 2013, Saturday 10 to 4 and Sunday 12 to 4. Rain or shine. I am very excited to have been invited to take part in this event. See you there! I am bringing SUSHI!!! 


ARTrageous, a CRAFT SHOW and the Award Ceremony for The CANADIAN SCULPTURE COMPETITION

I was invited to take part this year in the June ARTrageous Festival at the beautiful Kingsbrea Gardens in St. Andrews, NB. I lead short workshops with 8-10 year old school children from local schools as we made mosaic "Buddha Boards" .Then I was back in the gardens on the Saturday showing in the Craft Show accompanying the Canadian Sculpture Competition ! 



RENAISSANCE Fundraiser at the SAINT JOHN ARTS CENTRE May 2nd 2013

I will be taking part in this fundraiser by donating a small 6"x6" acrylic painting for the evening. Come on out and enjoy!!!

from the SJAC website..."On Thursday, May 2nd from 7-9pm, attendees will enjoy an evening of delicious food, fine beverages and live jazz music as they support Greater Saint John’s community arts centre.

Attendees will also have a unique chance to purchase one of a limited number of original artworks, which have been generously donated by local professional and emerging artists. Guests can enter a draw where winners will purchase for $100 a ‘mystery work’ – all of the 6” x 6” paintings will be concealed in identical boxes. Keep an eye on our website for a sneak peek!

Tickets are $75 and are limited to 200; they can be purchased at SJAC, 20 Peel Plaza, or using your Visa or Mastercard by calling (506)633-4870. Office hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 9am-5pm." 



Seasons greetings from Sue and Kathy and Hooper Studios!

Hooper Studios Gallery

December 8 & 9 Sat 10-4 Sun 12-4

Small works... local artists!

Art both small and large keeps giving!! that may sound corny but it is one of those corny truths. To give a piece of art is to give a gift that has meaning which can be 'seen' by each person differently. 

There is so much out there that is the same, no work of art however small will ever be 'the same'.

Artists need support these days.... to bring a unique piece of art into your home is to make a statement about what you think is

1 to 4 Sheryl Crowley with a demo of mosaics 



Whoa Hooooooooooo!!!!! the mural is hanging and spiffy looking and you are all invited to come see it and the light filled new Diamond Jubilee Cruise Terminal on Saturday, November 17th 2012 from 1-3pm. The Terminal is at 333 Water Street behind the original terminal. We have been working on this project since January 2012 and I am so excited to see it up!!!! For new and older photos of the process click HERE 


THE CRUISE SHIP LEGACY PROJECT-Disney Guests have a “Whale of a Time” in Saint John this summer

19 June 2012

For immediate release   Aquila Tours

 Saint John, NB

Disney Guests have a “Whale of a Time” in Saint John this summer

Disney cruise guests are having a “Whale of a Time” this summer as they help to create a one-of-a-kind work of art. The colourful Bay of Fundy Whale Mosaic, designed by local artist Sheryl Crowley, is a gift of public art from Aquila Tours that will be displayed in Saint John’s newest cruise terminal when it opens in early September.

During the Whale of a Time Port Adventure, participants will paint their own design on a numbered ceramic tile. The tile number is recorded on a certificate for them to take home as a souvenir, and Sheryl Crowley will add the tiles to the mosaic throughout the summer. Participants can watch the progress and see where their tile is placed by clicking on theWhale Mosaic link .

The Whale of a Time Port Adventure is an exclusive excursion designed by Aquila Tours for Disney Cruise Line and hosted by the New Brunswick Museum, where participants will also learn about whales and other Bay of Fundy marine life. The mosaic will be on display at the museum while it is being created, until it is moved to its permanent home at the new Diamond Jubilee Cruise Terminal.

The creation of the Bay of Fundy Whale Mosaic is a unique legacy project which celebrates Aquila’s 30th year in business and Disney Cruise Line’s first season in the Port of Saint John. “We are delighted to welcome Disney to Saint John in our 30th anniversary year,” says Aquila Tours President Beth Kelly Hatt. “The Bay of Fundy Whale Mosaic shows our support for the cruise industry and our local arts community, and our love for Saint John and the Bay of Fundy.”

As well – as part of the Whale of a Time Port Adventure and Aquila’s 30th Anniversary Year of Giving campaign – Aquila Tours is adopting several endangered Right Whales through the North Atlantic Right Whale Adoption Program . Aquila Tours will adopt a whale for each day the Disney Magic docks in Saint John in 2012.

The Whale of a Time Port Adventure is one of 22 shore excursions offered by Aquila Tours to Disney Cruise Line this season. 

For more information: 
Beth Kelly Hatt 
President, Aquila Tours 



In collaboration with the Saint John Port Authority and Aquila Tours I am in the process of creating a 4 x 8 foot mural depicting 2 of the unique aspects of our area: the Right Whales in the Bay of Fundy and the swirling wonders of the Reversing Falls just up the street from me. I have been commissioned to design the mural, laying the whale and water sections in mosaic and preparing materials for the remaining sky area to be painted individually in 4" square tiles by children visiting Saint John from cruise ships visiting our city in the coming 2012 summer season. It is an exciting project and I got to gather lots of lovely cool blues and purple glass tile shades!!! Stay tuned for updates on this ...




A group of us gathered at noon in the school's foyer on October 6th. This was a wonderful project I worked on along with teachers and the school's Public Health Nurse -(Thanks Joanne!) and over 260 children from middle school to hight school. Thank you to the Department of Wellness, Sports and Recreation for funding this project.

Through discussions and drawings each child developed a design which for them symbolized when they felt balanced and happy and full of positive life. They then painted 6"x6" tiles - 264 of them with their images. Now the tiles are mounted on large boards and will permanently adorn the main stairwell of the school. See the photo gallery of the project here.

Thank you to the Telegraph Journal and Eric Kennedy for the media coverage and article.




CULTURE DAYS at the Saint John Arts Centre

Saturday, October 1, 2012 · 9:00am - 5:00pm

Here we are!

Saint John Arts Centre

20 Hazen Avenue (use Carleton Street)

Saint John, NB

Come spend some time with visual and performing artists. Get a chance to see what they do and try your own hand at some of the creating. Culture days are happening all over Canada and we get to celebrate here in the Arts Centre too so come join in the fun!

For details of who will be taking part please check out Fractured Art Mosaics on facebookor Saint John Arts Centre online.



BLOOMIN' ARTISTS in Hampton, NB July 23-24, 2011

We will be making art in the beautiful gardens of Hampton. Come find us there this weekend!

Bloomin’ Artists is a biennial fundraising event sponsored by The Hampton John Peters Humphrey Foundation and Communities in Bloom.

On Saturday July 23th and Sunday July 24th, the town of Hampton, its gardens and its river environment, will become the inspiration for 30 visiting artists, as they draw and paint a series of small works inspired by the beauty of their surroundings.

Art works produced during the weekend will be small enough to fit into a 12” pizza box and will be sold by silent auction each day at the Lighthouse River Centre in Hampton.

Viewing begins at 11:30 on Saturday with auctions at 2 pm and 4:30 pm. 
On Sunday, viewing begins at 12:30 with auctions at 2:30 and 4:30 pm.

(text taken from the Bloomin' Artists Facebook page. For more details please visit them at BLOOMIN' ARTISTS 2011





When : Saturday, April 9 2011· 8:30pm - 9:00pm 
Location : Samuel de Champlain Community Centre

The "Mural of Volunteers" is designed to celebrate and highlight the individuals in the local francophone community who have given to their community as volunteers over the years of the centre. I was commissioned to create two 4x4ft. mosaic oak trees for this. The leaves of the tree will contain the names of the volunteers.

The unveiling will take place after the performance of BAM in the theatre at 7pm. Come see this great percussion group and then join us for the mural ceremony!




PASSIONATE ARTIST HAPPY THAT SHE HAS FOUND HER CALLING Telegraph Journal – Saint John, New Brunswick - Nov.8, 2010

From Oct. 30 to Nov. 20, local artist Sheryl Crowley, will be teaching a series of mosaic making workshops at the Saint John Arts Centre called From Broken Bits to Wow! 
Born in Hampton, this 42-year-old mother of three is a teacher by profession and is married to one as well. With a degree in music and education from Mount Allison, she taught from 1990 to 1999, juggling family and career until the birth of her second child. 
In 2005, Sheryl took some courses in mosaic art, drawing and design in order to perfect the skills she had learned years earlier through family friends. She had worked as a co-ordinator for the Saint John Women's Wellness Conference for four years and also worked one year for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of N.B.. 
At the entrance of the Centre scolaire Samuel-de-Champlain, you can find one of Sheryl's outstanding mosaic pieces in three parts. This mosaic work was created in partnership with one of the school's art classes, as well as the rest of the student body and staff, all contributing a piece of clay as a symbol of their place in the school community. 

To describe the work of this artist is almost impossible. All we can say is that the finished product will move you. 
Sheryl Crowley's passion has now become a full-time career and a business.

"It took me a long time to find my calling," she said. "Now, I love what I do. I like to include the community in my projects." Crowley's work is also on display . . . and gracing the floor of the Centre communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain. 
Gaétane Lévesque-Dupont is an educator at Samuel-de-Champlain. 

Published Monday November 8th, 2010

Des pots cassés au Wow!...est un atelier dans l'art de la mosaïque offert au Saint John Arts Centre du 30 octobre au 20 novembre par Mme Sheryl Crowley, artiste de chez nous. Mme Crowley, 42 ans, mère de 3 enfants, épouse d'enseignant et enseignante de profession elle-même, est originaire de Hampton. Elle a une formation en musique et en éducation à Mount Allison, elle a enseigné de 1990 à 1999, à temps plein et à mi-temps conjuguant ainsi sa vie de famille et sa vie professionnelle et cela jusqu'à la naissance de son second enfant. 
En 2005, Sheryl s'est inscrite à des cours de mosaïque, de dessin et de design afin de parfaire ses connaissances acquises dans sa jeunesse auprès d'amis de la famille artistes eux-mêmes. 
Pendant quatre ans, elle a travaillé pour le Saint John Women's Wellness Conference comme coordinatrice et un an pour la fondation des maladies du coeur du Nouveau-Brunswick. Elle fut aussi bénévole dans plusieurs activités familiales, enrichissant sa propre famille de ses expériences dans plusieurs sphères. 
À l'entrée du Centre scolaire Samuel-de-Champlain, vous pouvez admirer une oeuvre en trois volets de Mme Crowley, oeuvre créée en partenariat avec une classe d'art de l'école ainsi que tous les élèves et membres du personnel qui y ont déposé une pièce de porcelaine, signe de leur appartenance à leur communauté scolaire. 
Mme Sheryl Crowley est maintenant une femme d'affaires ( qui fait des démonstrations sur place (lors d'activités culturelles ou autres), qui donne des cours basés sur l'art dans la communauté (Des pots cassés au WOW!), qui fait des expositions et des oeuvres sur commande, qui fait aussi des créations insérées à la décoration dans l'intimité des foyers.... 
"Cela m'a pris longtemps à connaître ma voie. Maintenant, j'aime vraiment faire ce que je fais! J'espère inclure la communauté dans mes projets..." s'est exclamée Mme Sheryl Crowley artiste accomplie de chez-nous. 
Gaétane Lévesque-Dupont est enseignante à Samuel-de-Champlain.



This past Saturday I spent the afternoon nipping tiles, talking with lots of folks and generally having fun, conversation and making a mess. There were masks to make, henna tattoos, ink monsters, face painting, fabric art and more. The Arts Centre has all kinds of interesting things happening there. More than one person can get to! Thanks for inviting me to be a part of it and introduce a few more people to mosaic art. If you are near Saint John, New Brunswick ever, come see the Centre in the beautiful old Carnegie Library building. Saint John Arts Centre




This past Saturday I spent a good part of the day demonstrating my mosaic work at Samuel de Champlain School and Community Centre. It was a day of celebrating the Acadian Culture and the vibrancy of this francophone community. I was honoured and delighted to be invited to show what I do. I had fun, got very little mosaic made but talked to a great many interesting people from all over the world who now call Saint John home. Come meet the community through great events this year. Visit




Carnegie Craft Fair-Take Part In Art! 

May 2009

I was invited this Spring to be one of 10 
artists to take part in a craft fair held in the 
Saint John Arts Centre. For this event I created 8 small mosaics which I dubbed 
the "Carnegie Tinies".

Up-Rooted 2021 .jpg
SherylCrowley-In The Blessed Womb 16x12 eco print collage 2021 lightened.jpg
Medusa of the Coronavirus  - Mask - Sheryl Crowley 2020 -slight left high pixel 300DPI.jpg
Ecole des Pionniers-bottle cap mosaic detail 2021 SherylCrowley.jpg
Fragility of Bubbles-StayBackFriend-stained glass mosaic-15 x 15 inches Sheryl Crowley 202

Copyright Sheryl Crowley 2025

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